What is Game Jam exactly?

A game jam is like a hackathon, but specifically for games! You’ll have a week to program the best game you can, and then you'll submit it to be eligible for awesome prizes. We’ll judge the games and pick our favorites.

Are we allowed to join teams?

No, there are no teams because this is an individual event. However, you’re welcome to (and encouraged) to join this competition with your friends and troubleshoot together!

We'll also be hosting social events — like stand-ups — throughout development week to promote socializing and friendly collaboration.

Who can participate — how much experience do I need?

Anyone with an interest in programming or game development can participate. We encourage people with zero prior experience in game development to join!

How can I interact with other participants — is there any virtual platform where we can all communicate?

As a matter of fact, there is! We have an official Bit Project Discord, which everyone is encouraged to join. Also, we'll be periodically hosting events that encourage socializing between participants. Keep your eyes peeled for those!

What kind of workshops are being held?

We’ll be hosting workshops to teach those with no prior knowledge how to use both the GameMaker and Unity engines. Additionally, we'll be having guest speakers discuss more general game development concepts.

How do we submit our games?

How to Submit

How long will judging take?

To ensure that we judge all of the submissions fairly, Bit Project will take at least a week to review participants' games. Stay tuned for more details!

I can't make a workshop. Will it be recorded?

Yes! VODs of every workshop (excluding a few at the request of the community speakers) will be available on our Twitch immediately after they finish, and we'll link them all on this Notion - so don't worry!