You are the Product Manager for Azure Functions, Microsoft's distributed computing product. Your task is to build and implement a plan to prove the benefits of Azure Functions for retail and/or e-commerce. Make the case to this client as to how they should be using serverless computing platforms, like Azure Functions, to have a positive impact on their business.

First and foremost, learn what you can about Azure Functions. It might be a good idea to try out some tutorials: Google, Stack Overflow, and are all useful resources. Study how this industry has used serverless architectures in their production applications on their engineering blogs. Learn more about the needs your client has, and what problems they are trying to solve.

Submit to us a one page summary (in PDF format) which details a plan to integrate Microsoft Azure Functions^^ into a particular product or tool. Your summary should contain:

Our PM team has provided the following hints:

^^ Write about Azure Functions specifically, DO NOT write about Azure the cloud offering in general

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about this prompt.